Couples/family counseling
- We work with blended families to help promote better interaction through the use of Systems Thinking.
- We offer counseling for marital and relationship issues, grief, cognitive behavioral therapy, adjusting to divorce, dealing with difficult children, infidelity and anger management.
Individual counseling
- We work with children, adolescents and adults.
- We deal with depression, substance abuse, relationship issues, anxiety, divorce, adoption, ADD/ADHD, blended families, and more.
- Neurofeedback is a noninvasive alternative treatment for ADD, ADHD, autism, depression, sleep disorders, learning disabilities and anxiety. It can increase concentration and it enhances physical and mental well-being.
- Neurofeedback, which is a form of biofeedback, is a computer-assisted learning therapy that trains your brain to function more efficiently.
(For more information about neurofeedback, click here.)Biofeedback and other services
- Biofeedback decreases anxiety through its relaxation techniques.
- We use HEG biofeedback to treat many learning disabilities.
- We offer The Listening Program, which is an auditory stimulation program used for auditory processing difficulties.
- Biofeedback can be measured with either your heart rhythm or your pulse rate.
Group therapy
(Many groups are ongoing, while others are 6 to 12 week sessions.)
- Women's group (Mondays, 5:30-7 p.m.)
- Social skills groups
- Junior High groups
Testing and assessments
- ADD/ADHD assessments
- IQ testing
- achievement testing
- memory tests
- Test of the Variables of Attention (TOVA)
- interest inventories